Erin M. Prach, DDS Blog

Can Secondhand Smoke Increase Your Child’s Risk of Sleep Apnea?

November 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 8:07 pm
man smoking in front of a child

If you’re a smoker, you’re probably not too concerned about the effects smoking can have on your body. But have you ever thought about what it may be doing to your children? Even if they’re just exposed to secondhand smoke, it can have all sorts of dangerous side effects on their growing bodies. For young children, that includes increasing their risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Unfortunately, this disorder can prevent your little ones from getting the quality rest they need. Read along to learn more about the impact secondhand smoke can have on your child’s sleep.


Why You Should Get a Crown You Need Before the Year Ends

November 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 4:39 pm
patient smiling in dental chair

It’s easy to take a healthy smile for granted until there’s a problem. Once you’re in pain or have a malfunctioning tooth, all you can think about is finding a solution to get your grin back to normal. Well, dental crowns are an excellent way to address damaged or decayed teeth! But if you’ve never gotten one before, you might be tempted to put off scheduling that appointment. Read on to learn how getting it done before the year ends can not only help you maintain good oral health, but save you money as well.


Afraid of Root Canals? Use Your Preventive Coverage to Avoid One!

October 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 7:15 pm
young woman looking scared

It’s officially October, which means Halloween will be here before we know it! Most people look forward to all the spooky yet fun activities, like going to haunted houses or watching horror movies. However, there’s one thing that deeply frightens people year-round – root canals. Did you know that people are more scared of the dental procedure than spiders, snakes, and sharks? Fortunately, there are many ways you can avoid getting one! Read on to learn how utilizing your preventive coverage can keep your smile healthy.


The Best & Worst Halloween Candy for Your Child

October 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 7:51 pm
Halloween candy pouring out of bucket

The air is crisper, the days are getting longer, and Fall is officially upon us. Do you know what that means? Halloween is right around the corner! Most families are excited to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating, accumulating a stockpile of candy that will (hopefully) last through winter. However, this sugar-filled holiday can leave a lasting mark on your family’s oral health if you’re not careful. Luckily, knowing which goodies to avoid can lower your child’s risk of developing dental problems. Your children’s dentist in Casper explains how popular candies can affect your little one’s teeth.


2 Treatments to Reveal a Brighter Smile

August 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — prachddsteam @ 6:45 pm

Before and after teeth whiteningBright, white teeth portray confidence, youth, and success; however, not everyone has a beautiful smile. Tooth discoloration is a common complaint, but you don’t need to hide your teeth anymore. Your cosmetic dentist in Casper has the solutions you need to combat stains, including teeth whitening and porcelain veneers. Although you might only be interested in a whitening treatment, it may not always be your best option. Here are a few things you need to consider when investing in the smile of your dreams.


Is Sleep Apnea a Risk Factor for Cancer in Women?

July 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 4:10 pm
Senior woman with morning headache, may have sleep apnea

After heart disease, cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States. While some cases of cancer are inevitable due to an individual’s genetics, many cases arise from modifiable risk factors. Research suggests that sleep apnea may be one of those risk factors, especially for women. Let’s take a look at how these two serious conditions may be connected.


HealthyStart™: Innovative Teeth Aligners for Kids

May 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 8:47 pm
Snoring child in need of HealthyStart system

Are you worried about your child’s snoring? Do they seem cranky and moody as if they never get a full night’s rest? They may be experiencing Sleep Disordered Breathing. As its name suggests, this condition influences how well your child can breathe as they sleep, which can lead to poor rest and unhealthy development. Thankfully, there’s a simple way your dentist can help your child breathe easy as they sleep with the HealthyStart™ system! Not only is this treatment noninvasive and highly effective, but it can straighten misaligned teeth and prevent the need for braces in the future. Read on as we go over everything you need to know about HealthyStart™ for kids with SDB.


When Should Your Child Begin Brushing and Flossing?

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 6:55 am
Brushing a baby’s teeth

You know that it is important to brush your teeth twice and floss at least once a day in order to keep your smile in excellent health. But when it comes to your child, where does it all begin? At what point do their need to have their teeth brushed and flossed? What if they don’t even have teeth yet? Continue reading to learn more from a children’s dentist about the oral hygiene steps you should take for your child as they are growing up.


Can Children Develop Sleep Apnea?

April 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 1:48 pm
a little girl lying in bed awake in the middle of the night

Watching your child appear fatigued day-in and day-out can be difficult. Learning they’re not sleeping throughout the night can leave you wondering what might be the cause. Discovering they’re struggling academically and socially in school can be disheartening. But the good news is that there might be an answer to these problems. A local dentist explains how children’s sleep apnea may be the cause for your child’s symptoms and shares what you can do to ensure they start getting the rest they need to excel in school and in life.


5 Tips to Stop Nail Biting to Save Your Smile

March 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 8:23 pm

Woman looking in mirror after breaking nail biting habit.Let’s face it, it has been a stressful year for everyone. To manage your anxiety, you might have picked up a few bad habits, like nail biting. While it may not seem too concerning, it can have lasting consequences for your dental health. Chewing on any inedible objects, including your fingernails, significantly increases your risk of several preventable oral health issues. Don’t worry, here are the tips you need to kick the habit to keep your smile healthy.


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